Friday 14 April 2023

Old Times Good Times

 Its long past your Bed time and your still awake

You Blown out the candles on your Birthday Cake

Hard to believe  you got so old, sleeping under the stars, Staying out in the cold

Still sat  on the patio which faces the bay

We know where to find you on a summers day. 

You love to consume a cold beer or two, Walking the downs enjoying the view.

Many a year have passed you by. You learned to love and laughed till you cry

Your Kids have grown and long left home, The locals think that your all alone

But you have companions 3 four legged Friends

A Lurcher A Lab An Alsatian 

They keep you fit and young at heart, Pulling your arms out on the way to the park.

You set them free and off they run like sprinters after the starting gun

You whistle them back when your ready after heeding your call they come back steady

Life is for living and you know it for sure The welcome you get when the key meets the door

Your four legged friends are eager to greet, jumping for joy Its time to eat

Food disappears not touching the sides then sleeping it off until the sun rise

Each morning you wake come rain or shine Your invited for coffee but you decline

Gonna walk your dogs and get some fresh air after brushing their coats and removing dead hair

Plenty of time later for breakfast or brunch in the local tavern The Devils Punch

Since You retired not bothered with time and in no hurry to hear The Bells chime

Relaxed in mind body and soul, Off down the tavern to play rock n roll

A nap or snooze may be on the cards, A Game of Chess or maybe charades

Back down the lane Late afternoon While the Dogs are waiting You Whistle a tune

They hear your Heart beat From a Mile away, Up at the Window Looking over The Bay

Ready to run once more before dark. There favorite Place The local park

These days  are our best these days are pure fun, These days together forever as one.

Old times Good Times Together we run These Days Together Forever as One.

Old Times Good Times together as one Old times Good Times Forever we'll run.

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