Monday 7 October 2024

The Dealer


Dealer deal me a winning Hand

I'm tired of bluffing and cant understand

How strangers can read the lines on my brow

Catch me out anytime anyhow

Bluffing is becoming a waste of my time

Sat here all night and not won a Dime

Losing my nerve on every turn of a card

The river runs dry  and The flop remains hard.

The jack is laughing  The Joker is wild

I'm getting played like an innocent child.

Cut the deck Shuffle again

Up the anti and Raise me by Ten.


Ill see you and call You son of a B

I'm all in and lost at sea

A full house you cry as I reach for my Gun

I aint no fool and the Devil just won.

Dealer Deal me a Winners Hand

Deliver my Ticket to the promised land.

Bluffing is becoming a waste of my time

and cheating at cards is my only crime.

Twist Stick sell me the Ace

The one up your sleeve! Not the one on your face

I recognize the tattoo Your a wanted Man

Ill count the bounty as you head for the can.

Four Jacks Four Queens 5 aces and Kings

It aint over till the fat lady sings

I've got a full chamber and don't play for fun

So eat my lead you son of a Gun

I wont waste a bullet no I wont waste ONE

Four Jacks Four Queens 5 Aces and Kings

Its over now Let the Bar Boys Sing   Four Jacks Four Queens 5 Aces and Kings

repeat and fade

Sunday 21 July 2024

Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

Do you know what its like?

to ride a  brit motorbike

Do you know how it feels? to drive 2nd hand wheels

Have you ever saved for something new?

Are you still just dreaming? then join the queue!

Come Quantum Leaping with Me 

Come Quantum Leaping with Me and Listen to Bolan in 73 Yeah Come Quantum Leaping with me

Seize the chance to Build a Cadillac, Ride the Highway with the Man in Black

Take the Orange Blossom Special with Johnny Cash

Come Quantum Leaping at the Boston Tea Bash

Change the world Go backward in time Before Parking cars were not considered a crime

Come Quantum Leaping with me Yeah Come Quantum Leaping with me.

Did you ever have to bunk the train

Wear no coat and get caught in the rain

Did you ever steal cuz you were so broke

And your now paying tax on a can of coke

Come quantum leaping with me Yeah Come Quantum leaping with Me

Come Quantum leaping with me

To The Civil war  1863

The north v the south

Honey Hush my mouth come Quantum leaping with me hehe Come Quantum leaping with me

Did you ever back a horse that died in the straight

Did you ever dance and boogie with your best mate Yeah

Then Come Quantum leaping with Me

Lets visit Bob to get our Fix

and get Stuck inside a Mobile on Route 66

We can pitch our tent in the garden of Kent Come Quantum leaping with me Yeah

Do  you wanna  sing the Blues in automatic shoes then Come quantum leaping with Me Yeah Come quantum leaping with me. Yeah Come Quantum leaping with me.


Friday 15 December 2023

Jacqueline( The Pages within)

 Where are You Going My Jacqueline?

Are you bound to the book and the pages within

Where have you been My Jacqueline? I think I saw you at the county fair.

 Browsing those Books while brushing your hair.

  Cinders is seeking her long lost shoe, and your unaware That I'm Missing You


Where do you go Jacqueline . When does the fantasy really begin

You seek adventure in your Head. Dreaming of Witches upon your Bed

Your soft brown hair Those eyes so Blue An English Rose scented and true

Where have you been Jacqueline? out with Jules Verne in his Time Machine

You disappear into a world unknown. Some wild place in the twilight zone.

Time travel Takes you away, to an alien planet on a perfect day.

The Silver Surfer and Fantastic Four have sailed you away from an Atlantic shore

Goblins and elves have lead you astray. A pleasure palace is where you will stay

Is it true lust or is it sin Where are you now My Jacqueline

A classic Film a long lost Scene, what are you watching Jacqueline

Pour water on my face to wake me or take me away into space

Lets sail away on a pirate ship lets drink from the Flask that lays on your Hip

Turn another page wipe away those tears, collect your thoughts and deal with your fears.

Feed Me Your love before Dawn. embrace  my Heart and Keep me warm

Include me in a chapter you wrote, wrap me in the feather of your Mystic Coat

We can be together on a cosmic plain just take me with you Jacqueline

Where are You Going Now Jacqueline Include me this time amid the pages within.

Hello again My Jacqueline. Enjoy another Book and the magic within.

Jac Jac Jacqueline

 Are you bound to the book and the pages within?

Cinders is seeking her long lost shoe, and your still unaware That I'm Missing You.

Friday 27 October 2023


January Is long The new year so cold
No light ahead on a Rocky Mountain Road
February blinds us The sun so Low
Frosty Mornings playing out in the snow
March winds gather No moss
The festival over so counting your loss

Your looking forward to Midsummers Day
As April she dances herself into May
The Maypole The ribbon The sun coming thru.
The Green Fields of June, The fresh morning Dew

These are the Seasons we cherish and love
every one sent from The heavens above. 
Enjoy every one whether  Hot, Cold or Mild
From leaving the womb thru the eyes of a child.

July is Warm The sky so Blue
The coast lights so colorful the moonlit view
Wishing and hoping it stays  like this
A warm embrace and a Good night Kiss
The Front Porch swing The still of the night
The cold iced tea and  dancing to Dwight,

Music n Memories will keep us together
Whatever the season whatever the weather
Playing Country Love songs on acoustic Guitar.
Singing Karaoke in your favorite Bar.
August she reigns and Autumn will call.
September The Leaves turn gold and fall.
October brings Rain, November the same
December Brings Peace but with it the pain

These are the Seasons we cherish and love
every one sent from The heavens above. 
Enjoy every one whether  Hot, Cold or Mild
From leaving the womb thru the eyes of a child.

Monday 25 September 2023

Jane and Jo

 You don't want to be somebodies Heartache

You don't want to be somebodies Queen

All you want is a Good Nights Sleep with the chance of a beautiful Dream

You don't want to talk over old times


You don't want to buy something new

You just wanna stand at the foot of the stairs to see Janie staring back at You.

You Don't need to share another Heartache

You don't want to seem unkind

You would just like to share a memory from the front of your precious mind.

You never meant to cause Me heartbreak

You didn't take my Heart in vain

I sense you beside me on long walks home Together Forever Never alone

I Know your beside me on the Midnight Train Your my Twin Your My Sister Jane

I don't want to be somebodies heartache

I don't want to be Somebodies Queen

All I wish for is to meet you again, The other half of my favorite team

Call to Joanne Shout out to Joe

Your the Angel with the after Glow

Call to Joanne shout out to Joe leave a stardust trail where ever you go

The Brightest star in a deep dark night

A shining Beacon A Ray of Light

You don't want to be somebodies heartache

But you maybe My Favorite Queen. 

You don't wish to climb or reach that summit

But somewhere safer in-between

You don't wanna be Somebodies heartache

You don't wanna be somebodies Queen

All you want is a good nights sleep and the chance of a beautiful Dream.


Friday 14 April 2023

Old Times Good Times

 Its long past your Bed time and your still awake

You Blown out the candles on your Birthday Cake

Hard to believe  you got so old, sleeping under the stars, Staying out in the cold

Still sat  on the patio which faces the bay

We know where to find you on a summers day. 

You love to consume a cold beer or two, Walking the downs enjoying the view.

Many a year have passed you by. You learned to love and laughed till you cry

Your Kids have grown and long left home, The locals think that your all alone

But you have companions 3 four legged Friends

A Lurcher A Lab An Alsatian 

They keep you fit and young at heart, Pulling your arms out on the way to the park.

You set them free and off they run like sprinters after the starting gun

You whistle them back when your ready after heeding your call they come back steady

Life is for living and you know it for sure The welcome you get when the key meets the door

Your four legged friends are eager to greet, jumping for joy Its time to eat

Food disappears not touching the sides then sleeping it off until the sun rise

Each morning you wake come rain or shine Your invited for coffee but you decline

Gonna walk your dogs and get some fresh air after brushing their coats and removing dead hair

Plenty of time later for breakfast or brunch in the local tavern The Devils Punch

Since You retired not bothered with time and in no hurry to hear The Bells chime

Relaxed in mind body and soul, Off down the tavern to play rock n roll

A nap or snooze may be on the cards, A Game of Chess or maybe charades

Back down the lane Late afternoon While the Dogs are waiting You Whistle a tune

They hear your Heart beat From a Mile away, Up at the Window Looking over The Bay

Ready to run once more before dark. There favorite Place The local park

These days  are our best these days are pure fun, These days together forever as one.

Old times Good Times Together we run These Days Together Forever as One.

Old Times Good Times together as one Old times Good Times Forever we'll run.

Thursday 6 April 2023

Remember Those Days

 Keeping Warm on the late night Bus

Could be the same for everyone of us

Better to be safe than sorry my friend, keep to the straights you wont handle those bends.

Whatever happens from now on, wont be so good but wont last too long.

All the best days are in your past, Riding to win but now coming in last.

A warm summers day would not go amiss, A welcome hug and A good night kiss

Memories of You and I wont fade, Drinking cool Beer with iced Lemonade

A pebble beach or Golden sand, Walk the promenade while holding your hand

Candy Floss we bought at the Fair, That pretty ribbon in the back of your hair

No luck again in the penny arcade, Your parasol will give us some shade.

Remember the days of fun on the Pier, Comedians were funny Hear Hear Hear

Just been told that this is my stop, Gotta make my Bed outside by a Shop 

Been Homeless now 10 years or more, No money to burn, Am one of the poor 

I will wait it out endure my last days look for a break on window sill bay

Tonight again I will be on that bus with faded memories of the two of us

So drink up your shandy and eat ice cream,  I'll Fall asleep and enjoy the Dream.

So drink up your shandy and eat ice cream,  I'll Fall asleep and enjoy our Dream.

Remember those Days Remember those Days, Wheat fields to lye in The hot suns rays

Pray for me that I don't wake, Tomorrows a day that I cant take

I miss You I love You so so much. Your kiss Your scent and warm soft touch

Our anniversary will always be the day A yearly reminder of you taken away.

What did I do to deserve these tears. Its been too long too many years

See You soon My special Love, See you soon on a cloud above

Remember Remember Remember those days, The Yellow fields and Halcyon Days, Together forever just like the book says

Remember Forever Those Wonderful Days  Remember remember The warm summer Haze

Remember Remember When we stood tall, Remember remember The best days of all.............